Hopes Story

Hope came in to rescue in January of 2021. She was abandoned in an apartment with her cage mate, Haven, and additional pair of Guinea Pigs. The local community managed to flag a craigslist post, a rescuer then picked them up, and helped transition them to our transporting volunteer. Hope’s condition was so poor, our transporting volunteer questioned if she would be able to make the trip back to the rescue.

Once in rescue and under veterinary care, we understood just how poor her condition was. Hope had severe urine scalding, infected bumble foot on all four feet, hair loss, a very aggressive head tilt, and she was extremely malnourished (weighing about half of what most adult guinea pigs should weigh). Fortunately the other three, while still neglected, did not incur nearly the same health damage.

Each week Hope’s health would increase and we could see just how special she was. Slowly her goofy personality, incredible hair style, and love for her cage mate began to show. With Hope’s fire for life, distinct intuition for food and a few months of continuous veterinary care, Hope recovered beautifully. She would go on to live many years into adulthood, healthy and happy with her cage mate Haven.

As one of our worst neglect stories, we will continue to tell Hope’s story. Highlighting that neglect is avoidable and unacceptable. It is our “Hope” that more people will understand the severity of neglect and it’s impact on small animals. Hope’s story embellishes what rescue is, the accomplishment we can achieve when a community steps forward to do the right thing.